Publication Details
NeurIPS 2020 EfficientQA Competition: Systems, Analyses and Lessons Learned
Fajčík Martin, Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM)
Dočekal Martin, Ing. (DCGM)
Ondřej Karel, Ing. (FIT)
Smrž Pavel, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (DCGM)
and others
question answering, QA, ODQA, efficientQA, memory, disk memory, budget, efficient
parameter, retrieval corpora
We review the EfficientQA competition from NeurIPS 2020. The competition focused
on open-domain question answering (QA), where systems take natural language
questions as input and return natural language answers. The aim of the
competition was to build systems that can predict correct answers while also
satisfying strict on-disk memory budgets. These memory budgets were designed to
encourage contestants to explore the trade-off between storing retrieval corpora
or the parameters of learned models. In this report, we describe the motivation
and organization of the competition, review the best submissions, and analyze
system predictions to inform a discussion of evaluation for open-domain QA.
author="MIN, S. and FAJČÍK, M. and DOČEKAL, M. and ONDŘEJ, K. and SMRŽ, P.",
title="NeurIPS 2020 EfficientQA Competition: Systems, Analyses and Lessons Learned",
booktitle="Proceedings of the NeurIPS 2020 Competition and Demonstration Track",
series="Proceedings of Machine Learning Research",
publisher="Proceedings of Machine Learning Research",