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Redukce LR tabulek pro aritmetické výrazy
size reduction, LR parsing table, binary operator, bottom-up parsing, grammatical tree
The present article introduces a method reducing the number of rows and columns in LR parsing tables in terms of context-free grammars for arithmetical expressions. It makes use of common binary operators of the same priority. This analysis and subsequent reduction of LR table is based on a new concept-grammatical tree generated from productions of the grammar under investigation.
The present article introduces a method reducing the number of rows and columns in LR parsing tables in terms of context-free grammars for arithmetical expressions. It makes use of common binary operators of the same priority. This analysis and subsequent reduction of LR table is based on a new concept-grammatical tree generated from productions of the grammar under investigation.
author="Zbyněk {Křivka}",
title="Redukce LR tabulek pro aritmetické výrazy",
booktitle="Proceedings of 9th Conference and Competition STUDENT EEICT 2003 Volume 1",
publisher="Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií VUT",