Publication Details
Augmented Multi-User Communication System
augmented reality, mixed reality, image analysis, object reconstruction, grid based triangulation, advanced communication
This paper presents improvements carried out to enhance the visualinteraction of computer users in existing communication systems. Itincludes the usage of augmented reality techniques and the modificationof a method for user model reconstruction according to particularrequirements of such applications. Promised achievement is to preparethe background for further development of multi-user interface,videoconference or collaborative workspace.
The aim of our research is replacing the standard computerinterface components by equipment used in augmented reality and soimmerse the user into augmented environment. Such approach allows touser positioning virtual objects in his workspace. One of possibletechniques for precise virtual object pose evaluation widely used inaugmented reality applications is to employ special tracking markers.
Traditionally, communication systems of videoconference typerepresent a remote user using his sprite (plain, billboard-like) model.The lack of realistic appearance, when the participant is displayed asa sprite model, can be eliminated by its artificial reconstruction. Themethod gain depth information from knowledge of human anatomy and henceit is able to create the artificial relief model of the remote user.
author="Vítězslav {Beran}",
title="Augmented Multi-User Communication System",
booktitle="Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfaces",
publisher="Association for Computing Machinery",