Publication Details
String Matching for IPv6 Routers
Kořenek Jan, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DCSY)
String matching, IPv6, IP routing, CAM, FPGA, Liberouter.
String matching problem instantiates in IP routing into severaloperations on packet headers. Routing itself is finding the bestmatching prefix of a set of strings, packet filtering is a combinationof prefix matching, exact, and range checks. With the increase of IPv6importance (with its 128~bit addresses) those operations get morecritical in time. Software implementations may not be powerful enough.Natural way is to move the most demanding operations into a hardwareaccelerator, just in the sense of hardware/software co-design ideas.String matching must be performed by hardware. Unfortunately, we haveto check wider strings than today's Content Addressable Memories canhold; therefore combination of CAM and additional processing may beemployed. New task for software support arises here: it has to maintainhardware lookup tables consistent with the software's ideas aboutrouting and packet filtering.
author="David {Antoš} and Jan {Kořenek}",
title="String Matching for IPv6 Routers",
booktitle="SOFSEM 2004: Theory and Practice of Computer Science",
publisher="CESNET National Research and Education Network",