Publication Details
TKSL and Stiff System Detection
Řezáč David, Ing., Ph.D.
Modern Taylor series method, TKSL, stiff system detection
The paper is based on an original mathematical method which uses the Taylor series method for solving differential equations in
a non-traditional way. The outstanding feature of the newly developedMTSM (Modern Taylor Series Method) is very high accuracy and speed ofthe computation. Besides, it has some properties very favourable forparallel processing as only the basic mathematical operations are usedduring the computation.
The Modern Taylor Series Method has been implemented into TKSL/C. Theprogram is able to solve very large systems of ordinary differentialequations.
However, in technical practice we often have to deal with stiff systemsof differential equations. The aim of this paper is to show the stiffsystem detection and the way of changing the integration step duringthe computation process when using the Modern Taylor Series Method.
author="Jiří {Kunovský} and David {Řezáč}",
title="TKSL and Stiff System Detection",
booktitle="Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference Aplimat",
publisher="Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava",