Publication Details
Restful-based Mobile Web Service Migration Framework (Presentation)
Rychlý Marek, RNDr., Ph.D. (DIFS)
In this abstract we present our work [1]. The original paper describes the
RESTful-based framework proposed for Mobile Web service migration and
provisioning on both Android-based mobile devices and Java-based stationary
devices in P2P wireless network. The proposed Web service migration framework
enables deploying, publishing, discovering, provisioning and migrating Web
services to satisfy service providers and Web services preferences and improve
QoS performance.
We proposed service migration to improve service performance by moving a mobile
hosted Web service to another mobile device that satisfies its preferences. For
experiments, we used a video transcoding service as an example service and
compared between its performace before and after the migration. Moreover, we
collected the consumptions of mobile device resources (i.e., CPU and Battery
power) by the service migration.
The migration mechanism considers matching between services and service providers
preferences described as Jena rules based on their owl/rdf semantic properties.
Based on service and service provider properties and preferences a suggested list
of possible migration is provided. The framework chooses the best migration to
perform through the proposed AHP multi-criteria decision making process.
Based on the performed experiments, we see that our framework enables a seamless
adaptation in SOA to redistribute system components and improves service (i.e.,
the utilized video transcoding service) performance with low consumptions of
mobile resources. Moreover, The experiments shows the service performance
improvements gained by the migration.
author="M. Mohanned {Kazzaz} and Marek {Rychlý}",
title="Restful-based Mobile Web Service Migration Framework (Presentation)",
booktitle="MEMICS 2017: 12th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science",