Publication Details
Investigation of Bottle-Neck Features for Emotion Recognition
Povolný Filip, Ing.
Matějka Pavel, Ing., Ph.D.
Glembek Ondřej, Ing., Ph.D.
Grézl František, Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM)
Černocký Jan, prof. Dr. Ing. (DCGM)
Emotion recognition, Bottle-Neck features, Context, Fusion
This paper describes several systems for emotion recognitiondeveloped for the AV+EC 2015 Emotion Recognition Challenge.A complete system, making use of all three modalities (audio, video, andphysiological data), was submitted to the evaluation. The focus of ourwork was, however, on the so called Bottle-Neck features used to complementthe audio features. For the recognition of arousal, we improved theresults of the delivered audio features and combined them favorably withthe Bottle-Neck features. For valence, the best results were obtained withvideo, but a two-output Bottle-Neck structure is not far behind, whichis especially appealing for applications where only audio is available.
author="Anna {Popková} and Filip {Povolný} and Pavel {Matějka} and Ondřej {Glembek} and František {Grézl} and Jan {Černocký}",
title="Investigation of Bottle-Neck Features for Emotion Recognition",
booktitle="19th International Conference, TSD 2016, Brno , Czech Republic, September 12-16, 2016, Proceedings",
series="Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence",
journal="Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
publisher="International Speech Communication Association",