Publication Details
A multi purpose and large scale speech corpus in Persian and English for speaker and speech Recognition: the DeepMine database
Černocký Jan, prof. Dr. Ing. (DCGM)
Burget Lukáš, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM)
speech database, text-dependent, text-independent,speaker verification, speech recognition
DeepMine is a speech database in Persian and English designedto build and evaluate text-dependent, text-prompted, and textindependentspeaker verification, as well as Persian speech recognitionsystems. It contains more than 1850 speakers and 540 thousandrecordings overall, more than 480 hours of speech are transcribed. Itis the first public large-scale speaker verification database in Persian,the largest public text-dependent and text-prompted speaker verificationdatabase in English, and the largest public evaluation dataset fortext-independent speaker verification. It has a good coverage of age,gender, and accents. We provide several evaluation protocols foreach part of the database to allow for research on different aspectsof speaker verification. We also provide the results of several experimentsthat can be considered as baselines: HMM-based i-vectorsfor text-dependent speaker verification, and HMM-based as well asstate-of-the-art deep neural network based ASR. We demonstratethat the database can serve for training robust ASR models.
author="Hossein {Zeinali} and Jan {Černocký} and Lukáš {Burget}",
title="A multi purpose and large scale speech corpus in Persian and English for speaker and speech Recognition: the DeepMine database",
booktitle="IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop - Proceedings (ASRU)",
publisher="IEEE Signal Processing Society",
address="Sentosa, Singapore",