Publication Details
Influence of Skin Diseases on Fingerprints
Kanich Ondřej, Ing., Ph.D. (FIT)
skin disease, dermatology, fingerprint, fingerprint sensor, fingerprint recognition, image processing, image quality, image enhancement, synthetic fingerprint
At the beginning of this chapter, after general introduction tofingerprint technology, the categorization of skin diseases is introduced. Thiscategorization is done on the base of possible influence to the process offingerprint recognition. The second part is devoted to the description of acquiredfingerprint data using various fingerprint sensors from patients in theuniversity hospital, showing differences in images. The third part contains thedescription of possibilities for detecting a skin disease in fingerprint andits removability (image enhancement). The last part is oriented on generationof skin diseases into synthetic fingerprints. Herewith we would like to be ableto generate large-scale databases for testing of fingerprint processingalgorithms.
author="Martin {Drahanský} and Ondřej {Kanich}",
title="Influence of Skin Diseases on Fingerprints",
booktitle="Biometrics under Biomedical Considerations",
publisher="Springer Nature Singapore",