Publication Details
Towards Design Flow for Space-Efficient Implementation of Polymorphic Circuits Based on Ambipolar Components
Nevoral Jan, Ing., Ph.D. (DCSY)
Crha Adam, Ing., Ph.D. (RG POLY)
Růžička Richard, doc. Ing., Ph.D., MBA (DCSY)
polymorphic electronics, ambipolar behaviour, circuit synthesis, evolutionary design, Boolean division, kernelling, design techniques
Mainobjective of this contribution is to present a unified design flow for anefficient implementation of polymorphic circuits. First of all, it employs anevolutionary inspired techniques that facilitates the creation ofmultifunctional circuit elements (i.e. logic gates) based on emerging materialsand nano-structures exhibiting the ambipolar behavior. Those logic gatesconsists of individual transistors where the conduction mode (N- or P-channel)is controlled by switching the power rails.
Unfortunately, conventional designmethods and algorithms are not directly applicable for a design of polymorphiccircuits without the need to face major changes. Hence the other important partof the suggested design flow is comprising the necessary circuit synthesistechnique using those multifunctional logic gates. The presented circuitsynthesis approach makes it feasible to achieve an area-efficient results incase of complex polymorphic circuit involving hundreds of gates. Its core isbased on the utilization of Boolean division principles and function kernellingtechnique.
author="Václav {Šimek} and Jan {Nevoral} and Adam {Crha} and Richard {Růžička}",
title="Towards Design Flow for Space-Efficient Implementation of Polymorphic Circuits Based on Ambipolar Components",
journal="ElectroScope -",