Publication Details
A Basic Approach to Fault Tolerance of Data Paths of HLS-synthesized Systems and its Evaluation
Kotásek Zdeněk, doc. Ing., CSc.
High-level Synthesis, Data-Path, CatapultC, Fault Tolerance, Fault-Tolerant, Robot Controller, C++
In this presentation, an approach to fault-tolerant systems design and synthesis based onHigh-level Synthesis (HLS) is shown. A description and evaluation of the impacts of HLS optimizationmethods are shown as well. The higher reliability is achieved through modificationof input description in the C++ programming language, which the HLS synthesistools are based on. Our work targets SRAM-based FPGAs, which are prone toSingle Event Upsets (SEUs). For the evaluation of the impacts of faults we use our evaluation platform, which allows us to test fault toleranceproperties of the Design Under Test (DUT). The evaluation platform is based onfunctional verification combined with fault injection.
author="Jakub {Lojda} and Zdeněk {Kotásek}",
title="A Basic Approach to Fault Tolerance of Data Paths of HLS-synthesized Systems and its Evaluation",
booktitle="Proceedings of the 5th Prague Embedded Systems Workshop",
publisher="Faculty of Information Technology, Czech Technical University",
address="Roztoky u Prahy",