Publication Details
Klasifikace informací v souvislostech
Barabas Maroš, Ing., Ph.D.
classification of information, GDPR, dataloss prevention
This article providesa practical information about classification of information implementation andits relationship to the security standards, the requirements of the law ofcyber security and regulations GDPR. We will also focus on the benefits ofclassification of information in the process of building security in acorporate environment, and the subsequent implementation of securitytechnologies for the detection and prevention of information leakage andsecurity monitoring. The examples of proper deployment of informationclassification will be provided. We will show the importance of a tool forincreases security awareness in the environment of the company.
author="Matej {Kačic} and Maroš {Barabas}",
title="Klasifikace informací v souvislostech",
booktitle="IS2 - Other Dimensions of Security",
publisher="Tate International s.r.o.",