Publication Details
Biometric-Enabled Watchlists Technology
Kanich Ondřej, Ing., Ph.D. (FIT)
Dvořák Michal, Ing., Ph.D.
Drahanský Martin, prof. Ing., Ph.D.
Yanushkevich Svetlana
Shmerko Vlad.
biometrics (access control), risk management, face recognition, fingerprint identification, Doddington metric, e-borders, risk assessment technique, risk control, risk categorisation, systematic approach, watchlist landscape modelling, fingerprint databases, entry-exit technologies, biometric-enabled watchlists technology, high-quality biometric traits, large-scale facial databases
For Entry-Exit technologies, such as US VISIT and Smart Borders (e-borders), a watchlist normally contains high-quality biometric traits and is checked only against visitors. The situation can change drastically if low-quality images are added into the watchlist. Motivated by this fact, we introduce a systematic approach to assessing the risk of travellers using a biometric-enabled watchlist where some latency of the biometric traits is allowed. The main results presented herein include: (1) a taxonomical view of the watchlist technology, and (2) a novel risk assessment technique. For modelling the watchlist landscape, we propose a risk categorisation using the Doddington metric. We evaluate via experimental study on large-scale facial and fingerprint databases, the risks of impersonation and mis-identification in various screening scenarios. Other contributions include a study of approaches to designing a biometric-enabled watchlist for e-borders: a) risk control and b) improving performance of the e-border via integrating the interview supporting machines.
author="Kenneth {Lai} and Ondřej {Kanich} and Michal {Dvořák} and Martin {Drahanský} and Svetlana {Yanushkevich} and Vlad. {Shmerko}",
title="Biometric-Enabled Watchlists Technology",
journal="IET Biometrics",