Publication Details
Application of Inverse Kinematics for Skeleton Manipulation in Real-time
skeleton, bone, joint, inverse kinematics, kinematic tree, Jacobian matrix, Newton-Raphson method, CCD method
Usual way of character?s animation is the use of motion captured data.Acquired bones? orientations are blended together according to userinput in real-time. Although this massively used method gives a niceresults, practical experience show how important is to have a systemfor interactive direct manipulation of character?s skeleton in order tosatisfy various tasks in Cartesian space. For this purpose, variousmethods for solving inverse kinematics problem are used. This paperpresents three of such methods: Algebraical method based on limbspositioning; iterative optimization method based on Jacobianpseudo-inversion; and heuristic CCD iterative method. The paperdescribes them all in detail and discusses practical scope of their usein real-time applications.
author="Martin {Fědor}",
title="Application of Inverse Kinematics for Skeleton Manipulation in Real-time",
booktitle="Proceeding of Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2003",
publisher="Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava",