Publication Details
Synthesis tool for design of complex polymorphic circuits
Šimek Václav, Ing. (DCSY)
Růžička Richard, doc. Ing., Ph.D., MBA (DCSY)
Polymorphism, logic synthesis, gates, synthesistool, unconventional technologies.
This paper is dealing with research activities carriedout in the domain of unconventional, polymorphic electronics.Main attention is focused on the logic synthesis aspects ofcomplex polymorphic circuits. The introductory part elucidatesa fundamental concept of polymorphic electronics and highlightsits important properties. In addition, substantial advantagesof this paradigm in comparison to conventional circuit designapproach are discussed together with an identification of possibleshortcomings.
Main contribution of this paper is the proposal andimplementation of a synthesis technique which makes it feasibleto achieve an area-efficient results in case of complex polymorphiccircuit involving hundreds of gates. Finally, accomplishedexperimental results and their analysis is provided.
author="Adam {Crha} and Václav {Šimek} and Richard {Růžička}",
title="Synthesis tool for design of complex polymorphic circuits",
booktitle="2017 12th International Conference on Design & Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era (DTIS)",
publisher="IEEE Circuits and Systems Society",
address="Palma de Mallorca",