Publication Details
Design of Polymorphic Operators for Efficient Synthesis of Multifunctional Circuits
Šimek Václav, Ing. (DCSY)
Růžička Richard, doc. Ing., Ph.D., MBA (DCSY)
Crha Adam, Ing., Ph.D. (RG POLY)
Digital circuits, reconfiguration, multifunctional logic, ambipolarity, polymorphic electronics, synthesis methods
Systematic effort dedicated to the exploration of feasible ways how to permanently come up with even more space-efficient implementation of digital circuits based on conventional CMOS technology node may soon reach the ultimate point, which is mostly given by the constraints associated with physical scaling of fundamental electronic components.
One of the possible ways how to mitigate this problem can be recognized in deployment of multifunctional circuit elements. In addition, the polymorphic electronics paradigm, with its considerable independence on a particular technology, opens a way how to fulfil this objective through the adoption of emerging semiconductor materials and advanced synthesis methods.
In this paper, main attention is focused on the introduction of polymorphic operators (i.e. digital logic gates) that would allow to further increase the efficiency of multifunctional circuit synthesis techniques. Key aspect depicting the novelty of the proposed approach is primarily based on the intrinsic exploitation of components with ambipolar conduction property. Finally, relevant models of the polymorphic operators are presented in conjunction with the experimental results.
author="Radek {Tesař} and Václav {Šimek} and Richard {Růžička} and Adam {Crha}",
title="Design of Polymorphic Operators for Efficient Synthesis of Multifunctional Circuits",
journal="Journal of Computer and Communications",