Publication Details
From protecting protocols to layers: designing, implementing and experimenting with security policies in RINA
Ryšavý Ondřej, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DIFS)
Lichtner Ondrej, Ing. (DIFS)
Asgari Hamid
Day John, prof.
Chitkushev Lou
RINA, authentication, confidentiality, integrity, experimental evaluation, security architecture
Current Internet security is complex, expensive and ineffective. The usual argument is that the TCP/IP protocol suite was not designed having security in mind and security mech- anisms have been added as add-ons or separate protocols. We argue that fundamental limitations in the Internet architecture are a major factor contributing to the insecurity of the Net. In this paper we explore the security properties of the Recursive InterNetwork Architecture, analyzing the principles that make RINA networks inherently more secure than TCP/IP-based ones. We perform the specification, implementation and experimental evaluation of the first authentication and SDU protection policies for RINA networks. RINAs approach to securing layers instead of protocols increases the security of networks, while reducing the complexity and cost of providing security.
author="Eduard {Grasa} and Ondřej {Ryšavý} and Ondrej {Lichtner} and Hamid {Asgari} and John {Day} and Lou {Chitkushev}",
title="From protecting protocols to layers: designing, implementing and experimenting with security policies in RINA",
booktitle="2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)",
publisher="Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers",