Publication Details
Modeling and Analysis of Fault-Tolerant Systems by Means of UPPAAL SMC: Method and Benefits
modeling, analysis, fault tolerant, FT, statistical model checking, SMC, UPPAAL
SMC, reliability analysis, probability distribution, bathtub, fault, transient,
permanent, intermittent, behavior, type, description, signalization, scenario,
tripple modular redundancy, TMR
The paper presents a method of modeling and analysis of fault-tolerant (FT)
electronic systems by means of a novel statistical model checking (SMC) approach
available in the UPPAAL SMC tool. The method can be seen as an alternative to
classical analytic approaches based on instruments such as fault-tree or Markov
reliability models of the above-specified systems. Main goal of the paper is to
show that - taking the advantage of SMC - the reliability analysis of systems can
be facilitated even for adverse conditions such as inconstant failure (hazard)
rate of inner system components. In the paper, basic terms and principles related
to modeling and analysis of FT systems are summarized, followed by a short
introduction to the UPPAAL SMC tool, its practical applicability to analysis and
modeling of basic FT systems and evaluation of the results achieved on basis of
the tool.
author="Josef {Strnadel}",
title="Modeling and Analysis of Fault-Tolerant Systems by Means of UPPAAL SMC: Method and Benefits",
booktitle="Informal Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems (DDECS)",
publisher="Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava",