Publication Details
Making use of social media data in public health
Twitter; public health; social media; multimedia data
Disease surveillance systems exist to offer an easily accessible "epidemiological snapshot" on up-to-date summary statistics for numerous infectious diseases. However, these indicator-based systems represent only part of the solution. Experiences show that they fail when confronted with agents that are new emerging like the agents causing the lung disease SARS in 2002. Further, due to slow reporting mechanisms, the time until health threats become visible to public health officials can be long. The M-Eco project provides an event-based approach to the early detection of emerging health threats. The developed technologies exploit content from social media and multimedia data as input and analyze it by sophisticated event-detection techniques to identify potential threats. Alerts for public health threats are provided to the user in a personalized way.
author="Pavel {Smrž} and Kerstin {Denecke} and Peter {Dolog}",
title="Making use of social media data in public health",
booktitle="Proceedings of the 21st international conference companion on World Wide Web",
publisher="Association for Computing Machinery",
address="New York",