Publication Details
Web Service Migration using the Analytic Hierarchy Process
Rychlý Marek, RNDr., Ph.D. (DIFS)
service-oriented architecture; Web service; service migration; devices profile
for web services; Web service discovery
In this paper, we present a framework for Web service migration in
Service-oriented Architecture (SOA). The framework utilizes service migration
between devices acting as Web service providers to increase the adaptability of
SOA in a mobile environment. It allows an automatic discovery of new providers
and their services joining a system and extraction of their context, preferences,
and rules for a Web service migration ontology. If the preferences and the rules,
which specify requirements of each provider to its hosted services and
requirements of the services to be hosted by a provider, do not meet the current
status and context of providers or services, the framework initiates a Web
service migration. In this case, the ontology is added to a core domain model and
reasoned together by Jena reasoners to retrieve a set of alternate migration
decisions. These are processed by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
decision-making method to find the best possible Web service migrations which
modify the status and context of providers and services to better meet their
preferences and rules. By the Web service migration, the framework extends
significantly the adaptability of SOA systems and helps to keep a required
quality of their services (QoS).
author="M. Mohanned {Kazzaz} and Marek {Rychlý}",
title="Web Service Migration using the Analytic Hierarchy Process",
booktitle="2015 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services",
publisher="IEEE Computer Society",
address="New York",