Publication Details
Traffic generator based on behavioral pattern
Ovšonka Daniel, Ing.
Barabas Maroš, Ing., Ph.D.
Hanáček Petr, doc. Dr. Ing. (DITS)
Network traffic generator, behavioral pattern, wireless,
http traffic, malware injection, security
Network traffic generation was the subject of many
research projects in the past, but none of them could generate
network data which has the same nature as a traffic from
human or machine behavior. In this paper we introduce a
related work in this field of area focusing on advantages and
disadvantages, such as authenticity, inaccuracy, wrong timings
and real-time generation. Further, we propose a generator
capable of generating traffic with predefined behavioral pattern
of a valid communication. The high diversity and randomness of
generated traffic allowed us to use this generator for testing of
our reputation system, which evaluates value of reputation based
on behavioral pattern by analysing network traffic.
author="Matej {Kačic} and Daniel {Ovšonka} and Maroš {Barabas} and Petr {Hanáček}",
title="Traffic generator based on behavioral pattern",
booktitle="Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST), 2014 9th International Conference for",
publisher="IEEE Computer Society",