Publication Details
Reconfigurable Platform with Polymorphic Digital Gates and Partial Reconfiguration Feature
reconfigurable circuit, polymorphic electronics, partial reconfiguration
Nowadays there can be evidently identified several important application fields,
such as evolvable hardware, fault-tolerant architectures or circuit development,
where the exploitation of partial reconfiguration principles may bring
significant benefits. For conventional digital designs, a wide range of solutions
comprising fine- to coarse-grained architectures are available on the market or
e.g. as virtual reconfigurable circuits. But for polymorphic digital circuits
(polymorphic digital circuit is able to perform more than one function, it
typically has one stable structure for all functions and an actually performed
function depends on a state of an environment) only one small-scale solution has
been reported so far - the REPOMO. In this paper, main attention is given to the
proposal of an approach with increased flexibility, where the resulting
capabilities are demonstrated.
author="Václav {Šimek} and Richard {Růžička}",
title="Reconfigurable Platform with Polymorphic Digital Gates and Partial Reconfiguration Feature",
booktitle="Proceedings on UKSim-AMSS 8th European Modelling Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation",
publisher="IEEE Computer Society",