Publication Details
Comparing Availability-Aware Real-Time Schedulers by Means of Configurable Experimental Framework
Pokorný Martin, Ing.
framework, availability, comparison, real-time, task, scheduling, voltage
scaling, power management, power consumption, reduction, overload
In this paper, an overview of scheduling mechanisms constructed to enhance
availability of services an embedded real-time system delivers is introduced
along with the concept of a framework for comparison of the mechanisms. The
framework expects that XML-based descriptions of the following parts of the
system are available at its input: target device, operating system, application,
scheduler and specification of experiments. On basis of the inputs, the framework
is able to produce source-codes for a given platform and an operating system and
after their compilation and programming by third-party tools, to perform and
evaluate the experiments according to their specification. The applicability of
the framework was shown on selected component-of-the-shelf components such as
a microcontroller, an operating system and on several sets of artificial as well
as real-world applications running under limiting conditions such as insufficient
amount of power and/or computational (re)sources. At the end of the paper,
several mechanisms are evaluated on basis of the framework in order to show its
practical applicability and kind of results that can be achieved at its output.
author="Josef {Strnadel} and Martin {Pokorný}",
title="Comparing Availability-Aware Real-Time Schedulers by Means of Configurable Experimental Framework",
booktitle="Proceedings of the 2014 17th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design",
publisher="IEEE Computer Society",
address="Los Alamitos",