Publication Details
Human tissue geometrical modelling
CT, MR, CAD, FEM, tissue, model
The article is dealing with novel and relatively complex computersystem for automatic creation of human tissues geometrical 3D models, based on CT/MR 3D image dat.
The article is dealing with novel and relatively complex computer system for automatic creation of human tissues geometrical models. Applications of the created models can be found in orthopedy, aesthetic surgery, dental surgery, etc. On the input are discrete volume CT/MR data in DICOM 3.0 data format. The models creation process consist of several steps: tissue segmentation, volume data vectorization by Marching cubes method, triangular mesh smoothing and export into desired data representation, which depend on particular application. The geometrical models can be exported into CAD/CAM/FEM systems as polygonal, polysurfaces or tetrahedral meshes.
author="Přemysl {Kršek} and Petr {Krupa}",
title="Human tissue geometrical modelling",
booktitle="Applied Simulation and Modeling",
publisher="The International Association of Science and Technology for Development",