Publication Details
Research Projects and Industry in Europe
Research projects, Education projects, Researchprograms.
Future developmentin Europe depends heavily on economy. Industryand innovation, the key aspects of economic development, highly depend on howthe research, innovation, and also education are performed and especially howthe research and education can match the needs of industry, how the results aretransferred to the industry, and also how industry can affect the research andeducation. This contribution focuses on aspects of European situation inresearch and academic projects in collaboration with industry and attempts tomap important aspects of the collaboration. Specifically addressed are, besidesresearch projects and schemes and educational and exchange programs, such ascollaborative research projects and also European structural fund investmentsin research infrastructure.
author="Pavel {Zemčík}",
title="Research Projects and Industry in Europe",
booktitle="Proceedings of New Horizons in Industry Business and Education",
publisher="Technological Educational Institute of Crete. Heracleion, Gree",