Publication Details
Prototyping Framework for Digital Flight Control System
Prototyping framework, CANaerospace, light sport aircraft, SimStar, ground testing, real-time simulation, prototype, framework.
Hardware-in-the-loop simulations are indisputablyperceived as an integral part of the avionics design and development process. Thispaper describes a prototyping framework, which has been employed to develop a digitalautopilot for a light sport aircraft. Related simulation processes have been performedon two different ground-testing levels. The first level consisted of alaboratory grade development and testing phase, which supported the initialfunctional estimate of the designed and implemented autopilot features. Thesubsequent testing level already included the embedded autopilot systeminstallation on board of the test aircraft. System prototyping was performed atthe light aircraft simulation lab SimStar at the Brno University of Technology.Additional ground simulations were employed to verify and ground test the operationalsuitability of the designed autopilot flight control system elements. The implementedhardware units were connected into the simulation network using the CANaerospacecommunication protocol. Simulations focused on the real time automatic flightmodes operational scenarios and confirmed the anticipated performance of theautopilot design features.
author="Peter {Chudý} and Jan {Vlk} and Petr {Dittrich}",
title="Prototyping Framework for Digital Flight Control System",
booktitle="Proceedings of 32nd Digital Avionics Systems Conference",
publisher="IEEE Computer Society",
address="Syracuse, NY",