Publication Details
Web Document Description Based on Ontologies
Burget Radek, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DIFS)
ontology, document description, information retrieval
The effective document modeling based on the visual features is not always trivial in the case where we want to apply the advance document processing with the visual features reflection. In this paper, we are suggesting a document description based on RDF and ontologies. Such approach allows modeling on several levels of abstraction that is reflecting the document visual features perceived by human. Such approach also advantageously uses the existing tools for the RDF querying and reasoning.
The paper presents four levels of the document description where all of them are based on the ontologies but each level represents a different knowledge. The main part of the paper is oriented on the document description based on the Semantic ontology where the ontology is based on SWRL rules describing the ontology classes. Finally, we are presenting examples of the class definitions based on the SWRL rules.
author="Martin {Milička} and Radek {Burget}",
title="Web Document Description Based on Ontologies",
booktitle="Proceedings of the 2th annual conference ICIA 2013",
publisher="The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications",