Publication Details
A Web Service Migration Framework
Rychlý Marek, RNDr., Ph.D. (DIFS)
Web services; Quality of service; Adaptive systems
Service-oriented software systems that operate in highly dynamic or mobile
environments have to be able to adapt at runtime to changing environmental
conditions. This includes not only adaptability of their individual services, but
also ability of the whole systems as service compositions to preserve their
integrity and to keep their best performance. This paper presents a concept of
service migration in service-oriented architecture as an approach to enable the
adaptation of service-oriented systems in changing environments. Moreover,
a description of migratable services and service providers by means of migration
conditions is proposed and used by service-oriented systems to keep functionality
and quality of their services. Finally, the paper describes a prototype design of
a framework for the service migration according to the migration conditions and
to an user-defined migration decision strategy.
author="M. Mohanned {Kazzaz} and Marek {Rychlý}",
title="A Web Service Migration Framework",
booktitle="ICIW 2013, The Eighth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services",
publisher="The International Academy, Research and Industry Association",