Publication Details
Automatic creating of tetrahedral fem models of human tissues from segmented CT/MR data
meshing, biomechanics, tetrahedron, CT, MR
Because of FEM computational modelling of human tissues, in number ofbiomechanical applications, we have needed 3D FEM models of thetissues. Manual creating of the models is often very hard orimpossi-ble, because of tissues geometry complexity. There-fore we havedeveloped computer system for fully automatic tetrahedral FEM modelscreation. Input information about tissues geometry and structure wehave from segmented CT/MR data.
Because of FEM computational modelling of human tissues, in number of biomechanical applications, we have needed 3D FEM models of the tissues. Manual creating of the models is often very hard or impossi-ble, because of tissues geometry complexity. There-fore we have developed computer system for fully automatic tetrahedral FEM models creation. Input information about tissues geometry and structure we have from segmented CT/MR data.
author="Přemysl {Kršek}",
title="Automatic creating of tetrahedral fem models of human tissues from segmented CT/MR data",
publisher="Technical University Wien",