Publication Details
PNtalk - An Open System for Prototyping and Simulation
Petri nets, Smalltalk, prototyping, simulation, nested simulation
The PNtalk system is a language and tool based on object-oriented Petrinets (OOPNs). Its purpose is to support modelling and prototyping ofconcurrent and distributed software systems. PNtalk benefits from thefeatures of Petri nets (formal nature, suggestive description ofparallelism, theoretical background) as well as object-orientedness(abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, andmodularity).Our current prototype has been built up as an open system which cancombine different modeling and simulation paradigms of describingmodels and can also simultaneously support several independentsimulations.This article is focused on describing the PNtalk architecture. A simpleyet suggestive model will demonstrate how PNtalk can be used formodelling and simulation.
author="Vladimír {Janoušek} and Radek {Kočí}",
title="PNtalk - An Open System for Prototyping and Simulation",
booktitle="Proceedings of The 28th ASU Conference",
journal="ASU Newsletter",
publisher="Faculty of Information Technology BUT",