Project Details
Výzkum a aplikace heterogenních modelů
Project Period: 1. 1. 1998 – 31. 12. 2000
Project Type: grant
Code: GA102/98/0552
Agency: Czech Science Foundation
Program: Standardní projekty
The goal of this interdisciplinary project is research of new methods and software tools for the design and implementation of heterogeneous models. Heterogeneous models require combination of various methods and approaches to problem analysis, models synthesis and verification. Furthermore, the project is aimed at applications of the above mentioned models, especially in the area of design and optimisation of system controlling. We emphasise the phase of system analysis using simulation modelling andrapid prototyping. The solution of the project will be based on methods of the object oriented design, artificial intelligence, neural nets and fuzzy logic, Petri nets, modern simulation techniques and distributed programming. Because human factor influenceon modelled systems will be concerned, we will also take into account safety and risk analysis of the systems.
Češka Milan, prof. RNDr., CSc.
Hanáček Petr, doc. Dr. Ing. (DITS)
Hruška Tomáš, prof. Ing., CSc. (DIFS)
Janoušek Vladimír, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DITS)
Jirsík Václav, doc. Ing., CSc. (UAMT)
Jura Pavel, prof. Ing., CSc. (UAMT)
Marušinec Jaromír, Ing., Ph.D., MBA
Pavlíčková Jiřina
Peringer Petr, Dr. Ing. (DITS)
Pivoňka Petr, prof. Ing., CSc.
Rábová Zdeňka, doc. Ing., CSc.
Šolc František, prof. Ing., CSc. (UAMT)
Zbořil František, doc. Ing., CSc. (DITS)
- ZBOŘIL, F. Argumentation Base Selection. Proceedings of 38th International Conference MOSIS '04. Ostrava: 2004.
p. 207-212. ISBN: 80-85988-98-4. Detail
- ČEŠKA, M.; JANOUŠEK, V.; VOJNAR, T. Analysis and Verification Queries over Object-Oriented Petri Nets. Formal Methods and Tools for Computer Science, Eurocast 2001, Extended Abstracts. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain: University of Las Palmas, 2001.
p. 115-118. ISBN: 84-699-3971-8. Detail
- ČEŠKA, M.; JANOUŠEK, V.; VOJNAR, T. Towards Verifying Distributed Systems Using Object-Oriented Petri Nets. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2000, vol. 2000, no. 1798,
p. 90-104. ISSN: 0302-9743. Detail - GREBENÍČEK, F. Constructing Hierarchical Neural Nets Using Sparse Distributed Memory. ASIS 2000 Proceedings of the Colloquium. Sv. Hostýn, Bystřice pod Hostýnem: 2000.
p. 359-364. ISBN: 80-85988-51-8. Detail - GREBENÍČEK, F. Sparse Distributed Memory -- Pattern Data Analysis. MOSIS 2000 Proceedings. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm: 2000.
p. 165-170. ISBN: 80-85988-44-5. Detail - HANÁČEK, P. Certifikace veřejných klíčů a certifikační autority. Sborník konference Security'2000. Praha: neznámá, 2000.
s. 86-88. Detail - HANÁČEK, P. Certifikace veřejných klíčů a podpora legislativy. Sborník semináře elektronický podpis. Praha: neznámá, 2000.
s. 43-47. Detail - HANÁČEK, P. Elektronický podpis jako nástroj bezpečného obchodování. Sborník konference Internet jako nástroj obchodního úspěchu. Brno: neznámá, 2000.
s. 0-0. Detail - HANÁČEK, P. Hodnocení bezpečnosti podle normy ISO/IEC 15408. Sborník konference AFOI 2000. Praha: neznámá, 2000.
s. 0-0. Detail - HANÁČEK, P. Problems of Tamper Resistant Software. ISM 2000. Roznov pod Radhostem: 2000.
p. 117-122. Detail - HANÁČEK, P. Digitální podpis zdravotnické dokumentace. Lékař a technika, 2000, roč. 31, č. 5,
s. 130-132. ISSN: 0301-5491. Detail - HANÁČEK, P.; PERINGER, P.; RÁBOVÁ, Z. Knowledge-Based Approach to Risk Analysis Modelling. Proceedings of JCKBSE 2000. Brno: unknown, 2000.
p. 25-30. ISBN: 1-58603-060-4. Detail - HANÁČEK, P.; STAUDEK, J. Bezpečnost informačních systémů. ÚSIS. ÚSIS. Praha: neznámá, 2000. 127 s. ISBN: 80-238-5400-3. Detail
- HRUBÝ, M.; RÁBOVÁ, Z. Language for Modelling of Parallel Systems. Proceedings of ASIS2000. Ostrava: 2000.
p. 229-234. ISBN: 80-85988-51-8. Detail - HRUŠKA, T.; HASHIMOTO, M. Knowledge-Based Software Engineering. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Amsterodam: IOS Press, 2000.
p. 0-0. ISBN: 1-58603-060-4. ISSN: 0922-6389. Detail - HRUŠKA, T.; MÁČEL, M. Concept Definition Language for Object-Oriented Databases. ISM 2000 Workshop Proceedings. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm: 2000.
p. 37-45. ISBN: 80-85988-45-3. Detail - HRUŠKA, T.; MÁČEL, M. Object-Oriented Database Systems. Sborník konference DATASEM 2000. Brno: unknown, 2000.
p. 9-46. ISBN: 80-210-2428-3. Detail - MARUŠINEC, J. Data Structures For Virtual Reality. Proceedings of the 34th International Conference Modelling and Simulation of Systems - MOSIS 2000. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm: 2000.
p. 39-44. ISBN: 80-85988-44-5. Detail - OČENÁŠEK, J.; SCHWARZ, J. The Parallel Bayesian Optimization Algorithm. Proceedings of the European Symposium on Computational Inteligence. Advances in Soft Computing. Košice: Springer Verlag, 2000.
p. 61-67. ISBN: 3-7908-1322-2. ISSN: 1615-3871. Detail - PEŇÁS, P. Workflow Specification Languages. Proceedings of Information System Modeling Conference 2000. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm: 2000.
p. 177-183. ISBN: 80-85988-45-3. Detail - PERINGER, P. Tools for Simulation Model Optimization. Proceedings of 22nd International Autumn Workshop ASIS 2000. Sv. Hostýn: 2000.
p. 195-198. ISBN: 80-85988-51-8. Detail - RÁBOVÁ, Z.; JANOUŠEK, V.; PERINGER, P.; VOJNAR, T. An Environment for Building Heterogeneous Models. Proceedings of MOSIS 2000. Rožnov: 2000.
p. 89-94. ISBN: 80-85988-44-5. Detail - SCHWARZ, J. Fuzzy genetic algorithm - a brief survey. Proceedings of the Colloquium Advanced Simulation of Systems. Bystřice pod Hostýnem: 2000.
p. 353-358. ISBN: 80-85988-51-8. Detail - SCHWARZ, J. The probability models for combinatorial optimization problems. Proceedings of The 4th Japan-Central Europe Joint Workshop on Energy and Information in Non-Linear Systems. Brno, Czech Republic, November 10-12, 2000. Brno: unknown, 2000.
p. 72-75. Detail - SCHWARZ, J.; OČENÁŠEK, J. A problem knowledge-based evolutionary algorithm KBOA for hypergraph bisectioning. Proceedings of the Fourth Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Brno, Czech Republic, 2000. BRNO: IOS Press, 2000.
p. 51-58. ISBN: 1-58603-060-4. Detail - SCHWARZ, J.; OČENÁŠEK, J. Partitioning-oriented placement using advanced genetic algorithm BOA. Procceedings of the Mendel '2000 Conference. BRNO: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering BUT, 2000.
p. 88-91. ISBN: 80-214-1609-2. Detail - SEKANINA, L.; SLLAME, A. Toward Uniform Approach to Design of Evolvable Hardware Based Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2000, vol. 2000, no. 1896,
p. 814-817. ISSN: 0302-9743. Detail - SMOLÍK, P.; TESÁČEK, J. Data Source Independent XML Data Access. Proceedings of Information System Modeling Conference 2000. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm: 2000.
p. 17-22. ISBN: 80-85988-45-3. Detail - URBÁŠEK, M. Categories in Modelling. Proceedings of the 34th International Conference Modelling and Simulation of Systems - MOSIS 2000. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm: 2000.
p. 21-28. ISBN: 80-85988-44-5. Detail - URBÁŠEK, M.; ČEŠKA, M. Reasoning about Categories of Petri Nets. Proceedings of the IEEE TC-ECBS + TF RE and IFIP WG10.1 Workshop - Joint Workshop on Formal Specifications of Computer-Based Systems. Edinburgh, Scotland: University of Stirling, 2000.
p. 67-70. ISBN: 1-85-769121-0. Detail - ZBOŘIL, F. Neural Network for Text Associations. Proceedings of XXIInd International Colloquium ASIS 2000. Ostrava: 2000.
p. 145-150. ISBN: 80-85988-51-8. Detail - ZBOŘIL, F.; ZBOŘIL, F. The use of the RCE Neural Network in a Pattern Recognition. 34th Spring International Conference Modelling and Simulation of Systems MOSIS 2000. Ostrava: 2000.
p. 65-70. ISBN: 80-85988-44-5. Detail
- ČEŠKA, M. Cybernetics and Concepts of Formal Language Theory. Wiener's Cybernetics-50 years of evolution. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: unknown, 1999.
p. 57-59. ISBN: 84-8416-950-2. Detail - ČEŠKA, M. Petriho sítě ve výuce oboru Informatika a výpočetní technika FEI VUT v Brně. Proceedings of XXIst International Colloquium ASIS 1999. Krnov: MARQ, 1999.
s. 143-146. ISBN: 80-85988-41-0. Detail - ČEŠKA, M.; JANOUŠEK, V.; VOJNAR, T. Towards Verifying Complex Distributed Systems Using Object-Oriented Petri Nets. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory and Technology -- EUROCAST'99. Vienna: unknown, 1999.
p. 229-232. Detail - GREBENÍČEK, F. Self-Organized Sparse Distributed Memory -- an Application. ASIS '99. Krnov: 1999.
p. 39-44. ISBN: 80-85988-41-0. Detail - GREBENÍČEK, F. Self-Organizing Sparse Distributed Memory as a Predictive Memory. Nostradamus '99. Zlín: unknown, 1999.
p. 17-22. ISBN: 80-214-1424-3. Detail - HANÁČEK, P. Bezpečnost informačních systémů. ASIS 1999. Krnov: MARQ, 1999.
s. 11-19. ISBN: 80-85988-41-0. Detail - HANÁČEK, P. Implementing Secure Payment Systems to Avoid Potential Problems. Banking Technology in Central europe. Praha: unknown, 1999.
p. 0-0. Detail - HANÁČEK, P. Security Verification of Smartcard Scripts. ISM'99. Roznov pod Radhostem: 1999.
p. 11-18. ISBN: 80-85988-31-3. Detail - HANÁČEK, P.; HANZAL, M.; RÁBOVÁ, Z. Interaktivní budování modelu aktiv. Sborník LŠ Informační systémy a jejich aplikace. Ruprechtov: neznámá, 1999.
s. 60-69. ISBN: 80-214-1379-2. Detail - HANÁČEK, P.; RÁBOVÁ, Z. Interactive Tools for Creation of Assets Model. ASIS 1999. Krnov: 1999.
p. 213-219. ISBN: -80-85988-41-0. Detail - HANÁČEK, P.; STAUDEK, J. Bezpečnost elektronického obchodu. Systems Integration '99. Praha: neznámá, 1999.
s. 55-74. ISBN: 80-7079-059-8. Detail - HRUŠKA, T.; MÁČEL, M. G2-Component Architecture of an Object-Oriented Database System. Proceedings of ISM 99 Workshop. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm: 1999.
p. 125-133. ISBN: 80-85988-31-3. Detail - JANOUŠEK, V. Synchronous Interactions of Objects in Object Oriented Petri Nets. Proc. of MOSIS'99. Ostrava, Czech Republic: 1999.
p. 73-80. ISBN: 80-85988-32-1. Detail - MARUŠINEC, J. Artificial life models in virtual reality. Proceedings of the ASIS '99 international workshop. Krnov: 1999.
p. 57-62. ISBN: ISBN 80-85988-41. Detail - MARUŠINEC, J. Natural virtual reality. Proceedings of the MOSIS'99. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm: 1999.
p. 45-50. ISBN: 80-85988-32-1. Detail - MARUŠINEC, J. Artificial life in virtual reality. In Sborník prací studentu a doktorandu. Brno: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science BUT, 1999.
p. 83-84. ISBN: 80-214-1155-4. Detail - MARUŠINEC, J.; RÁBOVÁ, Z. Transport Simulation in Virtual Reality. Proceedings of the MOSMIC'99 international workshop. Súlov: 1999.
p. 77-82. ISBN: 80-7100-635-1. Detail - ONDRÁČEK, T.; ZBOŘIL, F. An Identification of Transfer Function Coefficients of Systems with Time Delay Using a Neural Network. Proceedings of the ASIS'99. Krnov: 1999.
p. 203-208. ISBN: 80-85988-41-0. Detail - ONDRÁČEK, T.; ZBOŘIL, F. Identification of Time Coefficients of Systems using Neural Network. Proceedings of the MOSIS'99. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm: 1999.
p. 93-98. ISBN: 80-85988-33-X. Detail - PERINGER, P. Design and Implementation of Fuzzy Extension to SIMLIB/C++. Proceedings of ASIS'99. Krnov: 1999.
p. 209-212. ISBN: 80-85988-41-0. Detail - RÁBOVÁ, Z.; SLEZÁK, M. Notes on Modelling Human Activity in Heterogeneous Systems. Proceedings of MOSIS'99. Roznov: 1999.
p. 173-178. ISBN: 80-85988-32-1. Detail - SCHWARZ, J.; PERINGER, P. Simulation Model of the Traffic Light Crossing with Fuzzy Control. Proceedings of MOSIS'99. Rožnov: 1999.
p. 99-106. ISBN: 80-85988-33-X. Detail - URBÁŠEK, M. Bisimulation relations in categories of A-labelled Petri nets and the connection of CCS and Petri nets. Huddersfield, Great Britain: unknown, 1999.
p. 0-0. Detail - URBÁŠEK, M. Categories of Petri nets: a bisimulation approach. In Sborník prací studentů a doktorandů FEI VUT. Brno: unknown, 1999.
p. 109-110. ISBN: 80-214-1155-4. Detail - URBÁŠEK, M.; ČEŠKA, M. Categorical approach to Petri nets transformations. Proceedings of the 33rd Spring International Conference MOSIS'99. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, CZ: 1999.
p. 133-140. ISBN: 80-85988-32-1. Detail - URBÁŠEK, M.; ČEŠKA, M. Modelling and Simulation of Parallel Systems Using CCS and Petri Nets: Major Concepts. Proceedings of XXIst International Colloquium ASIS 1999. Krnov, Czech Republic: 1999.
p. 371-377. ISBN: 80-85988-41-0. Detail - VOJNAR, T. Specifying Properties of Systems To Be Checked Using Their Object-Oriented Petri Net-Based Models. Proceedings of 21st International Workshop on Advanced Simulation of Systems ASIS'99. Krnov: 1999.
p. 219-224. ISBN: 80-85988-41-0. Detail - VOJNAR, T. The First Steps Towards Using State Spaces of Object-Oriented Petri Nets. Proceedings of International Workshop on Control and Information Technology - IWCIT'99. Ostrava: unknown, 1999.
p. 165-170. ISBN: 80-7078-679-5. Detail - VOJNAR, T. Towards Using State Spaces of Object-Oriented Petri Nets. Proceedings of 33rd Spring International Conference on Modelling and Simulation of Systems MOSIS'99. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm: 1999.
p. 141-148. ISBN: 80-85988-32-1. Detail - ZBOŘIL, F. Identifikace systému neuronovou sítí. MOSMIC'99. Súľov: neznámá, 1999.
s. 165-170. ISBN: 80-7100-635-1. Detail - ZBOŘIL, F. Identifikace systému neuronovou sítí. In MOSMIC'99. Súľov, SR: Žilina University publisher, 1999.
s. 165-170. ISBN: 80-7100-635-1. Detail
- BUMBÁLEK, J.; RÁBOVÁ, Z. A System for Approximating Stochastic Data. Proceedings of Conference MOSIS '98. Bystřice pod Hostýnem: 1998.
p. 269-272. ISBN: 80-85988-23-2. Detail - ČEŠKA, M.; JANOUŠEK, V.; VOJNAR, T. Object-Oriented Petri Nets, Their Simulation, and Analysis. Proceedings of the IEEE SMC'98 Conference. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. San Diego, California: unknown, 1998.
p. 256-261. ISBN: 0-7803-4781-1. ISSN: 1062-922X. Detail - HANÁČEK, P. Security of Smartcard Based Payment Protocol. Proceedings of International Conference MOSIS'98. Bystrice pod Hostynem: 1998.
p. 123-129. ISBN: 80-85988-24-0. Detail - HANÁČEK, P.; KOTYZA, B.; RÁBOVÁ, Z. Znalostní model analýzy rizik. Sborník letní školy Informační systémy a jejich aplikace 1998. Ruprechtov: neznámá, 1998.
s. 213-219. ISBN: 80-214-1205-4. Detail - HANÁČEK, P.; RÁBOVÁ, Z. Knowledge-Based Simulation in Risk Analysis. Proceedings of ASIS 1998. Krnov: 1998.
p. 79-84. ISBN: 80-85988-26-7. Detail - JANOUŠEK, V.; VOJNAR, T. Modelling a Flexible Manufacturing System. Proceedings of 32nd Spring International Conference on Modelling and Simulation of Systems MOSIS'98. Sv. Hostýn: 1998.
p. 195-200. ISBN: 80-85988-23-2. Detail - JANOUŠEK, V.; VOJNAR, T. State Spaces of Object-Oriented Petri Nets. Proceedings of MFCS'98 Workshop on Concurrency. Brno: unknown, 1998.
p. 87-96. Detail - MARUŠINEC, J. Visualisation for simulation in virtual reality. Proceedings of International Conference MOSIS'98. Bystřice pod Hostýnem: 1998.
p. 77-81. ISBN: 80-85988-24-0. Detail - MARUŠINEC, J. Řešení viditelnosti metodou konvexních podprostorů. In Sborník prací studentů a doktorandů. Brno: Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky VUT, 1998.
s. 51-52. ISBN: 80-214-1141-4. Detail - PERINGER, P. Models of Delay in SIMLIB/C++. Proceedings of ASIS'98. Krnov, Czech Republic: 1998.
p. 51-54. ISBN: 80-85988-27-5. Detail - PERINGER, P.; RÁBOVÁ, Z. Heterogeneous Models. Proceedings of ECI'98. Herlany: Slovak Academy of Science, 1998.
p. 187-190. ISBN: 80-88786-94-0. Detail - RYŠÁNEK, M. Congestion in High-Loaded Networks of Parallel Machines. MOSIS'98. Bystřice pod Hostýnem: 1998.
p. 281-288. ISBN: 80-85988-23-2. Detail - RYŠÁNEK, M. Parallel Discrete Event Simulation Mechanisms. ASIS'98. Krnov: 1998.
p. 123-128. ISBN: 80-85988-27-5. Detail - URBÁŠEK, M.; ČEŠKA, M. Extension of the PESIM Simulation Tool. Proceedings of XX-th Workshop ASIS '98. Krnov: 1998.
p. 81-86. ISBN: 80-85988-27-5. Detail - VOJNAR, T. An Overview of Some Automated Tools for Formal Analysis and Verification. Proceedings of 20th International Workshop on Advanced Simulation of Systems ASIS'98. Krnov: 1998.
p. 223-228. ISBN: 80-85988-26-7. Detail - ZBOŘIL, F. Analysis of Neural Networks Applications in Heterogeneous Models. Proceedings of the ASIS'98. Krnov: 1998.
p. 21-26. ISBN: 80-85988-26-7. Detail - ZBOŘIL, F. Sparse Distributed Memory and Restricted Coulomb Energy Classifier. Proceedings of the MOSIS'98. Sv. Hostýn - Bystřice pod Hostýnem: 1998.
p. 171-176. ISBN: 80-85988-23-2. Detail - ZBOŘIL, F. Analysis of Neural Networks Applications in Heterogeneous Models. In Proceedings of the ASIS'98. Krnov: MARQ Ostrava, 1998.
p. 21-26. ISBN: 80-85988-26-7. Detail