Project Details

Advancing Robust and Creative Human language technologies through CHallenge Events and Research

Project Period: 1. 12. 2024 – 30. 11. 2029

Project Type: grant

Agency: Evropská unie

Program: European Defence Fund

Czech title
Vylepšování robustních a kreativních technologií lidského jazyka prostřednictvím akcí a výzkumu CHallenge

Human Language, HLT, NLP, Translation, Speech Challenge


Human Language Technologies (HLT) development has boomed in recent years. These
developments have yielded significant improvements in machine translation
capabilities, automatic speech processing, extraction of information of interest
from texts, etc. They have facilitated the operational use of HLT in several
information systems, including online translation services, call centres, and
voice assistants. However, the application and the deployment of these
technologies in Defence systems for C4ISR and multinational operations reveals
a number of shortcomings, failing to meet the operational needs and to achieve
the required accuracy. This is mainly due to the specific needs of the Defence
domain and its corresponding characteristics (dialects, low resources, or rare
languages, use in the field, noise and communications quality, etc.) which are
not taken into account by solutions originating in the civilian domain. With the
digitalisation of the battlefield, which leads to more and more complex user
interfaces and to ever-increasing volumes of language data to process, there is
a growing need for enhanced language processing capabilities, particularly in the
areas of speech recognition, machine translation, and natural language
processing. To both tackle these problems and preserve Europe sovereignty in the
sector, ARCHER will deliver a multi-annual challenge encouraging research to
advance HLT bricks specifically tailored to Defence applications. The challenge
will serve as a pivotal resource for evaluating the efficiency and reliability of
HLT bricks, to best meet end-user needs.

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