Project Details

Směrový průzkum tranzitní jízdy vozidel městem Brnem

Project Period: 1. 9. 2022 – 31. 12. 2022

Project Type: grant

Agency: Územně samosprávní celek

Program: Individuální dotace Magistrátu města Brna

English title
Directional survey of freight transport in Brno

Directional survey; transit vehicles; transport


This is a directional survey in Brno. The directional survey will focus mainly on
transit trucks. We assume a directional survey in the periods from 5:00 to 23:00
on some average working days (Tue, Wed or Thu). Directional research must take
place in all 10 localities simultaneously. The location of the measurement sites
was generally designed in the required intersection sections, taking into account
suitable locations where it will be possible to carry out the installation simply
without the need for complicated traffic engineering measures according to the
technical report of the feasibility study. Part of the project is the design,
discussion and implementation of traffic engineering measures at all sites.
Places suitable for the installation of sensing technology on existing VO masts
are proposed, as well as for the variant where monitoring will be performed from
the vehicle (delivery). The technology itself must enable the classification of
vehicles into vehicle category classes according to the project documentation
with 95% reliability, registration plate recognition with 98% reliability. The
collected data will be anonymized and a directional survey will be performed on
them according to the technical report of the feasibility study.

Team members
Hajduk Petr, Ing. (DFIT) – research leader
Bártl Roman, Ing. (DFIT-ISD)
Kotolan Martin (DFIT-ISD)
Zemčík Pavel, prof. Dr. Ing., dr. h. c. (DCGM)
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