Project Details
TENACITy: Travelling intelligENce Against CrIme and Terrorism
Project Period: 1. 9. 2022 – 31. 8. 2025
Project Type: grant
Code: 101074048
Agency: Evropská unie
blockchain, PNR, API, Ethereum, IPFS
LEAs use the data in their information systems as their basis for making
decisions that affect the safety of European citizens. According to a recent
report of the European Court of Auditors on the EU Information Systems use, it
has been found out that individual countries have different perception and
methodologies on how data management should be addressed; officers from LEAs
have stated that not all datasets are included in their systems, while other data
is either not complete and accurate or not entered in a timely manner. The same
report states that there are regulatory and cultural issues, according to which
some countries do not make all the functions offered in the central EU systems
available through their national systems. TENACITy envisions to address these
challenges by proposing a 3-pillar approach: (a) Modern and effective tools for
exploitation of travel intelligence data by security authorities: TENACITy
proposes an interoperable open architecture for the integration and analysis of
multiple transactional, historical and behavioural data from a variety of
sources, by exploiting game changing digital technologies; (b) Training and
sensitisation of
LEAs personnel: TENACITy envisions the design of a living lab to be established
to organise hackathons, workshops for all relevant stakeholders who would benefit
from the use of passenger data and digital technologies proposed; (c) Holistic
approach to crime prevention: TENACITy vision is to implement and demonstrate
a Travel Intelligence Governance Framework that will incorporate a holistic
approach to crime prevention, will ensure that the proposed digital technologies
will support the identification of the modus operandi of criminal and terrorism
organizations and will include policy makers in the governance process, examining
how the new tools will provide new capabilities to shape the regulations.
Dolejška Daniel, Ing. (DIFS)
Jeřábek Vladimír, Ing.
Koutenský Michal, Ing. (DIFS)
Lichtner Ondrej, Ing. (DIFS)
Olekšák Samuel, Ing. (DITS)
Perešíni Martin, Ing. (DITS)
Pluskal Jan, Ing., Ph.D. (DIFS)
Reš Jakub, Ing. (DITS)
- KOUTENSKÝ, M.; VESELÝ, V.; PEREŠÍNI, M.; DOLEJŠKA, D.; PLUSKAL, J. Using Blockchain to Secure Passenger Name Records and Effectively Protect Citizen Rights. In 2024 6th Conference on Blockchain Research and Applications for Innovative Networks and Services, BRAINS 2024. Berlin: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2024.
p. 1-10. ISBN: 979-8-3503-6784-3. Detail