Project Details

Systém pro analýzu a vyhodnocení půdy

Project Period: 1. 1. 2022 – 31. 5. 2023

Project Type: grant

Code: EG21_374/0026793, CZ.01.1.02/0.0./0.0/21_374/0026793

Agency: Evropská unie

Program: OP PIK - Aplikace

English title
Soil analysis and evaluation system

soil analysis and evaluation system that will allow its users to determine soil


The situation in agriculture has long been complicated around the world and
agronomists are looking for ways to make the process of growing crops more
efficient. In addition to smart farming techniques and more advanced breeding,
the Internet of Things trend is starting to make itself felt in the fields. One
of the companies operating in the field is CleverFarm, which connects
agricultural sensors to give agronomists a comprehensive picture of the situation
in the field.

For irrigation and nutrition automation, knowledge of soil type, soil properties
and its current nutrient content is crucial to achieve optimised production,
efficient use of agricultural inputs or quality maintenance of urban green spaces
and sports fields.

The aim of the project is to develop and market a soil analysis and evaluation
system through industrial research and experimental development. The solution
will significantly save irrigation water resources and allow farmers to regularly
analyse soil on site, without the additional cost of laboratory testing.

The output of the project will be a soil analysis and evaluation system that will
allow its users to determine soil type, soil properties and current nutrient
content (i.e. in particular elemental and micro-elemental content, etc.) on the
basis of cluster analysis. The system will be available in the form of a mobile
application that will be linked to the existing CleverFarm solution. The mobile
application will be usable by any farmer, anywhere in the world.

The mobile phone will act as a means of collecting data, which will then be
stored and analysed in the cloud. The results of the analysis will be presented
through the mobile phone.

Team members
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