Project Details

enetCollect - Large-Scale Information Extraction and Gamification for Crowdsourced Language Learning

Project Period: 1. 9. 2017 – 6. 3. 2021

Project Type: grant

Agency: Evropská unie

Program: European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)

Czech title
enetCollect - Rozsáhlá extrakce informací a využití herních principů (gamifikace) pro osvojování nových jazyků na základě „moudrosti davů" (crowdsourcingu)

extraction, gamification, crowdsourced language learning


The project aims at contributing to the activities of COST Action CA 16105 -
enetCollect - in the areas related to large-scale information extraction from the
web and gamification of the preparation and the annotation of multimedia content
suitable for various language learning activities. We will explore advanced
methods for web-scale crawling and semantic enrichment of the collected material
as well as modern human-computer interaction technologies engaging users in the
process of acquisition of languages in the form of a game.

Team members
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