Tento projekt byl spolufinancován se státní podporou Technologické agentury ČR v rámci Národní centra kompetence 1
Výzkum užitečný pro společnost.

Project Details

Artificial Intelligence Driven Autonomy

Project Period: 1. 1. 2019 – 31. 12. 2020

Project Type: grant

Code: TN01000029, TN01000029/02

Agency: Technologická agentura ČR

Program: Národní centra kompetence 1

Czech title
Autonomie řízená umělou inteligencí

agent; autonomy; expert system; flight training; behavior model; flight
simulator; software; machine learning; artificial intelligence; user interface;
big data


Pilot training belongs to time-wise and financially demanding activities. Its
concept reflects not only the technical and technological advancement in
aviation, but also a high standard of social expectations. In context of advanced
Cyber-Physical Systems, Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI),
modern pilot training represents a significant scientific, commercial and social
challenge. The main project goal is to develop a set of software tools for AI
driven autonomy in agents for modern synthetic pilot training platforms. The
users of project deliverables will be training organizations and providers of
simulation products. Project deliverables increase the added value of products
and services of national aeronautical industry and leverage its global

Team members


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