Project Details

ROBUST - Verifikace a hledání chyb v pokročilém softwaru

Project Period: 1. 1. 2017 – 31. 12. 2019

Project Type: grant

Code: GA17-12465S

Agency: Czech Science Foundation

Program: Standardní projekty

English title
ROBUST - veRificatiOn and Bug hUnting for advanced SofTware

formal verification; static analysis; symbolic verification; automated
abstraction; dynamic analysis and testing; noise injection; model-based testing;
automata; logics; pointer programs; concurrent programs; container programs;


Automated software verification and bug hunting are a hot topic in both industry
and academia. Indeed, they can save a lot of money and, in case of
safety-critical software, even human lives. This project aims at new automated
methods of static formal verification (based on approaches like symbolic
verification or automated abstraction) as well as extrapolating dynamic analysis
and advanced testing of programs that use several classes of advanced programming
constructions. In particular, the project concentrates on pointer programs,
concurrent programs (including cloud programs), and container programs. While
these areas are to some degree independent, there is also a lot of overlap among
them: On one hand, one needs to consider various combinations of the mentioned
constructions (e.g., concurrent pointer programs). On the other hand, one needs
to solve similar problems for all of them. An important example of the latter
considered in the project is dealing with open programs, i.e., program fragments
that the programmers need to verify despite their environment is unknown.

Team members





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