Project Details
Smluvní výzkum pro společnost LAA
Project Period: 1. 1. 2015 – 31. 12. 2015
Project Type: contract
Partner: Letecká amatérská asociace ČR
flight trajectory, flight competitions, computer evaluation of flight trajectory
The contractual research topic is acquisition of knowledge and software
development based on the researched data in connection with processing and
evaluation of trajectories and their processing for flight competitions organized
by LAA (Letecká amatérská asociace - Microlight amateur association).
Mlích Jozef, Ing. (FIT)
Široký Adam, Ing.
- MLÍCH, J.; ŠIROKÝ, A.; ZEMČÍK, P. Souhrnná zpráva k projektu společnosti LAA. Brno: 2015.
s. 0-0. Detail