English title
IRONSTONE - IoT monitoring and forensics

Internet of Things; Network Monitoring; Digital Forensics; Telemetry; Smart
Homes; Industry 4.0; Network Security; Network Diagnostics; Security and
Privacy; Data Processing; Machine Learning


The proposed project will provide novel solution to IoT monitoring and
investigation for Industrial IoT and Smart Home IoT implementations. We
intentionally restrict the scope of the project to make it practically feasible
to produce results targeting the market opportunities of involved commercial
partners. Two software products will be delivered:

  1. Flowmon IoT Monitoring and Diagnostic Toolset will monitor IoT networks, and
     detect problems caused by IoT devices or user misbehavior.
  2. Hancom GMD IoT Forensic Toolset will be focused on the procedure to
     correctly acquire live data from a multitude of different IoT devices on the
     These tools will be included in product portfolio of projects respective

     Project Partners:

        - FIT BUT (http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/.en), Brno, Czech Republic
        - Flowmon Networks a.s. (https://www.flowmon.com/en), Brno, Czech
        - Hallym University
          (http://cms.hallym.ac.kr/user/indexMain.do?siteId=english), Chuncheon,
          Korean Republic
        - Hancom GMD (http://www.hancomgmd.com/eng/home.php), Gyeonggi-do, Korean

Team members




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