Project Details

Large-Scale Ultrasound Propagation Simulations in the Human Brain

Project Period: 1. 1. 2014 – 31. 12. 2016

Project Type: grant

Code: SoMoPro-II-2013-IG

Agency: Jiné veřejné zdroje než podle zák. č. 130/2002 Sb.

Program: Ostatní veřejné zdroje financování nepatřící do institucionálních zdrojů ČR

Czech title
Simulace šíření ultrazvukových vln v lidském mozku

Brain research, Oncology, Acoustics, Computational physics, Modelling tools,
Computer science.


The simulation of ultrasound wave propagation through biological tissue has
a wide range of practical applications. Recently, high intensity focused
ultrasound has been applied to functional neurosurgery as an alternative,
non-invasive treatment of various brain disorders such as brain tumours, cerebral
haemorrhage, essential tremor, and Parkinsons disease. The technique works by
sending a focused beam of ultrasound into the tissue, typically using a large
transducer. At the focus, the acoustic energy is sufficient to cause cell death
in a localised region while the surrounding tissue is left unharmed. The major
challenge is to ensure the focus is accurately placed at the desired target
within the brain because the skull can significantly distort it. The accurate
ultrasound simulations thus gain importance in providing patient specific
treatment plans. However, existing simulation tools are unable to cope with the
extreme scale and physical complexity of realistic simulations in the brain.
The aim of this project is to develop, validate and apply new computer models to
simulate how ultrasound waves travel through the intact skull and inside the
brain. These models will be based on innovative advances in theoretical acoustic
and numerical methods, and will use the state-of-the-art computing facilities
that have only recently become available. They will allow to accurately predict
the position of the focus in the brain during the treatment for the first time.
This will allow physicians to carefully plan and optimise the treatment
parameters to increase the effectiveness of the focused ultrasound surgery,
reduce the time it takes to treat patients and extend the range and location of
cancers that are eligible for treatment.

Team members
Jaroš Jiří, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DCSY) – research leader
Dvořák Václav, prof. Ing., DrSc.






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