Project Details

Open-Source API and Platform for Multiple Clouds

Project Period: 1. 9. 2011 – 28. 2. 2013

Project Type: grant

Code: 7E12061

Agency: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR

Program: Podpora projektů sedmého rámcového programu Evropského společenství pro výzkum, technologický rozvoj a demonstrace (2007 až 2013) podle zákona č. 171/2007 Sb.

Czech title
Open-Source API and Platform for Multiple Clouds

Clouds, API, Platform, dynamic semantic discovery, Cloud connectors, Cloud case


The mOSAIC project ( aims to develop an open-source platform
that enables applications to negotiate Cloud services as requested by their
users. Using the Cloud ontology, applications will be able to specify their
service requirements and communicate them to the platform via innovative API. The
platform implements a multi-agent brokering mechanism that searches for services
matching the applications' request, and composes the requested service if no
direct hit is found. The platform facilitates competition between Cloud
providers, who, in return, are able to reach customers they could not reach
before. In this context, the mOSAIC-Enlarged EU proposal intends to increase the
level of expertise, the outputs and the impact of the project by adding partners
from new member states of Europe. In particular, the project extends and improve
the results of mOSAIC project by the integration of open-source solutions of
previous EU projects developed by the new partners in the same field. It
increases the scope and offer of the mOSAIC API and platform tools by providing
new APIs to support the development in the direction of enterprise applications.
It increases the number of hardware platforms on which mOSAIC is deployed and
tested and the number of Cloud providers that are connected to the platform.
A new service for dynamic semantic discovery of Cloud resources, outside the
mOSAIC platform, to support integration of new Cloud services and providers, will
be developed. Moreover, it extends the number of use cases with two new
applications, which allow to test the mOSAIC and the new APIs and tools. The
project approaches new developer and end-user communities exploiting the
participation of new partners in other related project and initiative, and
addressing new application domains such as the civil engineering.

Team members
Smrž Pavel, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (DCGM) – research leader
Šperka Svatopluk, Ing.



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