Project Details
Modernizace laboratorního přípravku do předmětu Prvky počítačů
Project Period: 1. 1. 2010 – 31. 12. 2010
Project Type: grant
Code: FR2681/2010/G1
Agency: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR
Program: Fond rozvoje vysokých škol (FRVŠ)
didactic tool, simulation environment, support of education, Computer Hardware course, Circuit Theory course, High Performance Computations
The first aim of the project lies in a design and a hardware implementation of the didactic tool. The second aim contains implementation of a software for support of education for "Computer Hardware" course. The tool is intended to support practical part of the course, students obtain the knowledge of basic principles in electrical circuits. The software is used to simulate the electrical circuits without the physical presence of the hardware. Computer Hardware, Circuit Theory and High Performance Computations courses will be enlarged by the tool and its software.
Kunovský Jiří, doc. Ing., CSc.
Sehnalová Pavla, Ing., Ph.D. (ÚM OMA)
- KUNOVSKÝ, J.; ŠÁTEK, V.; SEHNALOVÁ, P. Inovace výuky teorie spojitých systémů. Sborník informatika 2011. Brno: Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2011.
s. 47-48. ISBN: 978-80-7375-520-1. Detail
- KUNOVSKÝ, J.; KADÁK, M.; ŠÁTEK, V. Stiffness and Algebraic Manipulations in Electronic Circuits Simulations. Proceedings of The 2010 International Congress on Computer Applications and Computational Science. Singapore: International Research Alliance for Science and Technology, 2010.
p. 529-532. ISBN: 978-981-08-6846-8. Detail