Project Details

Natural computing na nekonvenčních platformách

Project Period: 1. 1. 2010 – 31. 12. 2013

Project Type: grant

Code: GAP103/10/1517

Agency: Czech Science Foundation

Program: Standardní projekty

English title
Natural Computing on Unconventional Platforms

evolutionary algorithms, cellular automata, GPU, FPGA, natural computing


The project proposes new methods and platforms for the implementation of natural
computing applications. The project hypothesis is that by using a suitable
unconventional platform and suitably modified existing nature-inspired algorithm,
an improvement of chosen performance criterion can be obtained for a particular
application in comparison with the state of the art conventional implementations
of the same application. The unconventional platforms include graphics processing
units (GPUs) and field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) that will be utilized for
general purpose computing in this project. Reconfigurable polymorphic chips and
printed electronics represent more exotic platforms in the project. As
representatives of natural computing algorithms we will develop evolutionary
algorithms and cellular automata on proposed platforms. Evolutionary algorithms
will be evaluated on problems such as evolutionary circuit design, optimization
of communication schedules, multi-objective optimization etc. Self-replication
and road traffic simulation are typical evaluation tasks for proposed cellular
automata implementations. Developed systems will be compared in terms of
performance, cost, power consumption and flexibility.


Team members






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