Project Details

ATLANTIS-DeSIRE^2: Dependable Systems International Research and Educational Experience

Project Period: 1. 10. 2008 – 30. 9. 2013

Project Type: grant


Agency: Ministerstvo zdravotnictví ČR

Program: Ostatní programy MZ

Czech title
ATLANTIS-DeSIRE^2: Dependable Systems International Research and Educational Experience

Excellence in Mobility, Real-Time Software-Intensive Control systems, Consortium
of three American and three European university partners


Real-Time Software-Intensive Control systems (RSIC) are often safety-critical,
and their dependability is vital to successful operation of the systems. With an
abundance of applications interfacing with and controlling the environment, there
is increasing importance and demand for efficient development of high quality
RSIC systems. The main objective of the proposed project is to establish
a platform for a sustained and consistent mobility exchange of graduate students
engaged in RSIC oriented programs. These programs need to produce graduates
capable of working efficiently in multidisciplinary teams engaged in
international collaboration on industrial RSIC projects, which require
conformance to specific standards mandated by regulatory authorities. This
four-year Excellence in Mobility (EIM) project is proposed by a consortium of
three American and three European university partners. The project proposes
mobility exchange of students pursuing graduate (Master level) engineering
degrees in the areas supported by the consortium partners. The plan is to
implement a mechanism for involving students from multilingual, geographically
separated institutions in a coordinated educational and research experience
exposing them to the problems, methods, solution techniques, infrastructure,
technologies, regulatory issues, and design/verification tools usually not
available in their home program. Four of the six consortium partners are
currently participating in successful two-year Policy Oriented Measures project:
ILERT - International Learning Environment for Real-Time Software Intensive
Control Systems funded in 2006 in the framework of the EU-US cooperation Atlantis
program. The preliminary analysis of the consortium partners' programs based on
the ILERT findings, allowed partners to recognize specific areas of focus and to
identify the preliminary list of courses that the overseas students could take
while spending a mobility term abroad.

Team members






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