Project Details

Bioinformatická a experimentální identifikace nekanonických struktur v geonomové DNA

Project Period: 1. 4. 2008 – 31. 12. 2010

Project Type: grant

Code: GA204/08/1560

Agency: Czech Science Foundation

Program: Standardní projekty

English title
In vitro and in silico identification of non-canonical DNA structures in genomic sequences

non-canonical DNA structure, palindrome, repeat, duplex, triplex, cruciform DNA,
approximate pattern search, bioinformatics, FPGA


Genomic sequencing generated an increased interest in non-coding DNA. This
applies also to non-canonical DNA structures and their possible biological
functions. Here we propose to combine molecular biology, bioinformatics and the
latest computer technology in an effort to understand, predict and map the
occurrence of biologically important DNA structures in genomes. Motivated by our
previous research, we will focus on
non-canonical DNA structures (cruciforms, triplex, slippage- and Z-DNA). We will
improve (and where necessary develop) tools for in silico prediction of these DNA
structures. Predictions will be verified by carefully planned laboratory
experiments, focusing on promoter regions of cancer-related genes (e.g. p53,
MDM2, hsp90, EGFR) studied in the applicant's laboratory. Our ability to rapidly
analyze full genomes will come from the use of special algorithms and
applications built around FPGA hardware-acceleration cards.

As a result, we will obtain annotations of genomes for predicted structures,
occurence of such structures in
oncogenes, as well as new methods and hardware for wider applications of
accelerated sequence search.

Team members





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