Project Details
Bezpečnost a zabezpečení aplikací sítí vestavěných systémů
Project Period: 1. 1. 2008 – 31. 12. 2010
Project Type: grant
Code: GA102/08/1429
Agency: Czech Science Foundation
Program: Standardní projekty
safety, security, embedded system, networks, development environments
The main benefit of the project is the consideration of what safety and security
mean in the context of embedded systems networks and the study of methods and
techniques that can be used to achieve it. Goal is to determine methods and
techniques for the development of embedded systems networks with demands on
safety and security in adherence to international standards, and to use, operate
and modify the most promising internationally available techniques and tools for
analysis and model checking aiming at validating safety and security properties.
Adherence to standards is a growing need in today's interoperable environments of
embedded system networks. The development of embedded systems networks
necessitates that the safety and security features of the system be compared
against appropriate protection profiles and security targets of the common
criteria. This involves identifying the appropriate evaluation assurance level
and then performing the actual validation. Internal and external safety and
security are becoming much more critical as more and more people depend on
embedded devices in many aspects of their lives. Strong security measures will
allow embedded systems to carry critical data and deliver it to only those who
should be getting it.
Dvořák Václav, prof. Ing., DrSc.
Jaroš Jiří, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DCSY)
Očenášek Pavel, Mgr. Ing., Ph.D. (DIFS)
Ráb Jaroslav, Ing.
Ryšavý Ondřej, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DIFS)
Švéda Miroslav, prof. Ing., CSc. (UTKO)
Trchalík Roman, Mgr., Ph.D. (CM-SFE)
- DE SILVA, G.; RYŠAVÝ, O.; MATOUŠEK, P.; ŠVÉDA, M. On Formal Reachability Analysis in Networks with Dynamic Behavior. TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, 2013, vol. 52, no. 2,
p. 919-929. ISSN: 1018-4864. Detail
- JAROŠ, J.; DVOŘÁK, V. Optimizing Collective Communications on the K-port Spidergon Network. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Systems, ICONS 2011. St. Maarten: International Academy, Research, and Industry Association, 2011.
p. 24-29. ISBN: 978-1-61208-002-4. Detail
- DVOŘÁK, V. Multi-Terminal BDDs in Microprocessor-Based Control. Proceedings ICINCO 2010. Funchal, Madeira: Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, 2010.
p. 140-145. ISBN: 978-989-8425-02-7. Detail - DVOŘÁK, V.; JAROŠ, J. Optimizing Collective Communications on 2D-Mesh and Fat Tree NoC. In 9th International Conference on Networks, ICN 2010. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Computer Society, 2010.
p. 22-27. ISBN: 978-0-7695-3979-9. Detail - DVOŘÁK, V.; MIKUŠEK, P. Design of Arbiters and Allocators Based on Multi-Terminal BDDs. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 2010, vol. 16, no. 14,
p. 1826-1852. ISSN: 0948-6968. Detail - JAROŠ, J. Evolutionary Design of Collective Communications on Wormhole Networks. Brno: Publishing house of Brno University of Technology VUTIUM, 2010. 183 p. ISBN: 978-80-214-4208-5. Detail
- JAROŠ, J.; DVOŘÁK, V. Evolutionary-Based Conflict-Free Scheduling of Collective Communications on Spidergon NoCs. In Proceedings of the 12th Annual Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO '10. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 2010.
p. 1171-1178. ISBN: 978-1-4503-0072-8. Detail - KORNECKI, A.; GREGA, W.; HILBURN, T.; THIRIET, J.; ŠVÉDA, M.; RYŠAVÝ, O.; PILAT, A. Transatlantic Engineering Programs: An Experience in International Cooperation. In Safeeullah Soomro (Editor): Engineering the Computer Science and IT. 2010. Vienna: IN-TECH Education and Publishing, 2010.
p. 65-84. ISBN: 978-953-307-012-4. Detail - OČENÁŠEK, P. On the Design of Communication in Business Information Systems. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Economics, Business and Management. Chengdu: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2010.
p. 98-101. ISBN: 978-1-4244-9202-2. Detail - OČENÁŠEK, P.; FELIX, M. Camera and Sensor Monitoring System. EDS '10 IMAPS CS International Conference Proceedings. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2010.
p. 241-245. ISBN: 978-80-214-4138-5. Detail - OČENÁŠEK, P.; HRANÁČ, J. Regression Based Logic for Authentication Protocol Design. 2010 International Conference on Communication and Vehicular Technology. Chengdu: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2010.
p. 89-92. ISBN: 978-1-4244-9674-7. Detail - OČENÁŠEK, P.; KUČEROVÁ, P. Analysis of Selected Payment Protocols. EDS '10 IMAPS CS International Conference Proceedings. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2010.
p. 235-240. ISBN: 978-80-214-4138-5. Detail - OČENÁŠEK, P.; PAPEŽ, Z. A Knowledge-Belief Approach to the Security Protocol Analysis. 2010 International Conference on Communication and Vehicular Technology. Chengdu: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2010.
p. 85-88. ISBN: 978-1-4244-9674-7. Detail - ŠVÉDA, M. Fault Management Driven Design with Safety and Security Requirements. Proceedings 17th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Engineering of Computer-Based Systems ECBS 2010. Oxford: IEEE Computer Society, 2010.
p. 113-120. ISBN: 978-0-7695-4005-4. Detail - ŠVÉDA, M. NETWORK CONVERGENCY AND MODELING -- Design Experience with Routing SW for Intranets and Fieldbusses. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, ICSOFT 2010. Athens: Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, 2010.
p. 173-178. ISBN: 978-989-8425-22-5. Detail - ŠVÉDA, M.; RYŠAVÝ, O.; MATOUŠEK, P.; RÁB, J. An Approach for Automated Network-Wide Security Analysis. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Networks ICN 2010. Les Menuires: IEEE Computer Society, 2010.
p. 294-299. ISBN: 978-0-7695-3979-9. Detail - ŠVÉDA, M.; RYŠAVÝ, O.; MATOUŠEK, P.; RÁB, J.; ČEJKA, R. SECURITY ANALYSIS OF TCP/IP NETWORKS -- An Approach to Automatic Analysis of Network Security Properties. Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Communication Networking ICETE-DCNET 2010. Athens: Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, 2010.
p. 5-11. ISBN: 978-989-8425-25-6. Detail - ŠVÉDA, M.; TRCHALÍK, R. Development of Interconnecting SW for Intranets and Fieldbuses. Programmable devices and systems, 2010, vol. 2010, no. 10,
p. 119-124. ISSN: 1474-6670. Detail - ŠVÉDA, M.; VRBA, R. An Embedded Application Regarded as a Cyber-Physical System. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Systems ICONS 2010. Les Menuires: IEEE Computer Society, 2010.
p. 170-174. ISBN: 978-0-7695-3980-5. Detail
- DVOŘÁK, V.; MIKUŠEK, P. Firmware Optimization for Embedded Logic Control. Programmable devices and systems, 2009, roč. 2009, č. 1,
s. 109-114. ISSN: 1474-6670. Detail - GREGA, W.; HILBURN, T.; KORNECKI, A.; RYŠAVÝ, O.; ŠVÉDA, M.; THIRIET, J. Methodology for Creation of Multidisciplinary, Transatlantic Engineering Program in Information Technology. Proceedings of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering Council's Annual Conference 2009. Valencia: Politechnical University of Valencia, 2009.
p. 1-5. ISBN: 978-84-8363-428-8. Detail - JAROŠ, J. Evolutionary Optimization of Multistage Interconnection Networks Performance. In Proceeding of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2009. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 2009.
p. 1537-1544. ISBN: 978-1-60558-325-9. Detail - KORNECKI, A.; HILBURN, T.; GREGA, W.; ŠVÉDA, M.; THIRIET, J. ILERT - International Learning Environment for Real-Time Software-Intensive Control Systems. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems, 2009, vol. 3, no. 1,
p. 66-71. ISSN: 1897-8649. Detail - MIKUŠEK, P. Dekompoziční techniky pro aplikačně specifické systémy. Počítačové architektury a diagnostika 2009. Zlín: Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, 2009.
s. 118-123. ISBN: 978-80-7318-847-4. Detail - MIKUŠEK, P. Multi-Terminal BDD Synthesis and Applications. Proceedings 19th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL). Prague: IEEE Computer Society, 2009.
p. 721-722. ISBN: 978-1-4244-3892-1. Detail - MIKUŠEK, P.; DVOŘÁK, V. Heuristic Synthesis of Multi-Terminal BDDs Based on Local Width/Cost Minimization. 12th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design DSD 2009. Patras: IEEE Computer Society, 2009.
p. 605-608. ISBN: 978-0-7695-3782-5. Detail - OČENÁŠEK, P. An Approach for the Design of Secure Communication in Embedded Systems. Human Interface and the Management of Information. Designing Information Environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2009.
p. 579-586. ISBN: 978-3-642-02555-6. Detail - OČENÁŠEK, P. Towards Security Issues in ZigBee Architecture. Human Interface and the Management of Information. Designing Information Environments. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2009.
p. 587-593. ISBN: 978-3-642-02555-6. Detail - OČENÁŠEK, P. Universal Access to the Internet Web Pages for Users with Special Needs. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2009.
p. 764-767. ISBN: 978-3-642-02712-3. Detail - OČENÁŠEK, P.; KUČEROVÁ, P. Payment Protocols Verification: A Case Study. EDS '09 IMAPS CS International Conference Proceedings. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2009.
p. 38-43. ISBN: 978-80-214-3933-7. Detail - OČENÁŠEK, P.; ŠVÉDA, M. A Model for Measurement and Analysis of the Workflow Processes. Human Interface and the Management of Information. Designing Information Environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2009.
p. 149-153. ISBN: 978-3-642-02555-6. Detail - OČENÁŠEK, P.; ŠVÉDA, M. AVISPA: Towards Practical Verification of Communication Properties. Proceedings 9th IFAC International Conference on Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems. Programmable devices and systems. Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems, Volume # 9 | Part# 1. Ostrava: IFAC, 2009.
p. 153-156. ISBN: 978-3-902661-41-8. ISSN: 1474-6670. Detail - OČENÁŠEK, P.; TRCHALÍK, R.; ŠVÉDA, M. On the Implementation of Metrics in Industrial Embedded Systems. Proceedings 9th IFAC International Conference on Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems. Programmable devices and systems. Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems, Volume # 9 | Part# 1. Ostrava: IFAC, 2009.
p. 157-160. ISBN: 978-3-902661-41-8. ISSN: 1474-6670. Detail - RÁB, J.; RYŠAVÝ, O.; ŠVÉDA, M. On the Implementation of State-space Exploration Procedure in a Relational Database Management System. 30th IFAC Workshop on Real-Time Programming and 4th International Workshop on Real-Time Software. Mragowo: IEEE Computer Society, 2009.
p. 151-156. ISBN: 978-83-60810-22-4. Detail - RYŠAVÝ, O.; RÁB, J. A Formal Model of Composing Components: The TLA+ Approach. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, 2009, vol. 5, no. 2,
p. 139-149. ISSN: 1614-5046. Detail - ŠVÉDA, M. Fault Management for Secure Embedded Systems. International Conference on Systems Proceedings, ICONS 2009. New York, NY: IEEE Computer Society, 2009.
p. 23-28. ISBN: 978-0-7695-3551-7. Detail - ŠVÉDA, M. Safe and Secure Networked Embedded Applications. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Broadband Communication. Wroclaw: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2009.
p. 137-142. ISBN: 978-83-7493-405-3. Detail - ŠVÉDA, M.; KORNECKI, A.; HILBURN, T.; GREGA, W.; THIRIET, J.; RYŠAVÝ, O. Real-Time Software-Intensive Systems Engineering: An International Perspective. European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering Council's Annual Conference 2009. Valencia: Politechnical University of Valencia, 2009.
p. 1-6. ISBN: 978-84-8363-428-8. Detail - ŠVÉDA, M.; TRCHALÍK, R.; OČENÁŠEK, P. Design of Networked Embedded Systems: An Approach for Safety and Security. Preprints of IFAC Workshop on PROGRAMMABLE DEVICES and EMBEDDED SYSTEMS PDeS 2009. Programmable devices and systems. Ostrava: IFAC, 2009.
p. 131-136. ISSN: 1474-6670. Detail - ŠVÉDA, M.; VRBA, R. Specifications of Secure and Safe Embedded System Networks. 8th International Conference on Networks Proceedings ICN 2009. New York, NY: IEEE Computer Society, 2009.
p. 220-225. ISBN: 978-0-7695-3552-4. Detail - ŠVÉDA, M.; VRBA, R. Meta-Design with Safe and Secure Embedded System Networking. International Journal On Advances in Security., 2009, vol. 2, no. 1,
p. 8-15. ISSN: 1942-2636. Detail - THIRIET, J.; HILBURN, T.; KORNECKI, A.; GREGA, W.; ŠVÉDA, M. Organization of a US-European Trans-national Degree in Engineering. J3eA - Journal sur l'enseignement des sciences et technologies de l'information et des systèmes, 2009, vol. 2009, no. 1,
p. 1-7. ISSN: 1638-1963. Detail - TRCHALÍK, R. A Component-Based model for Embedded Software. EDS '09 IMAPS CS International Conference Proceedings. Brno, CZ: Brno University of Technology, 2009.
p. 1-5. ISBN: 978-80-214-3933-7. Detail
- DVOŘÁK, V. Communication Performance of Mesh- and Ring-Based NoCs. Proceedings of the 7th Int. Conference on Networking. New York: IEEE Computer Society, 2008.
p. 156-161. ISBN: 978-0-7695-3106-9. Detail - DVOŘÁK, V. Embedded Firmware Development with Multi-Way Branching. Proc. of the 3rd Int. Coference on Systems. New York: IEEE Computer Society, 2008.
p. 317-322. ISBN: 978-0-7695-3105-2. Detail - DVOŘÁK, V. Implementation of Combinational and Sequential Functions in Embedded Firmware. International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications, 2008, vol. 2, no. 1,
p. 43-54. ISSN: 1738-9984. Detail - DVOŘÁK, V.; MIKUŠEK, P. LUT Cascade-Based Implementation of Allocators. Proc. of the 25th Convention of EEE in Israel. New York: IEEE Computer Society, 2008.
p. 85-89. ISBN: 978-1-4244-2482-5. Detail - HILBURN, T.; KORNECKI, A.; THIRIET, J.; GREGA, W.; ŠVÉDA, M. An RSIC-SE2004 Curriculum Framework. IEEE Proceedings of International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology - Real-Time Software. Computer Science and Information Technology. Wisla: IEEE Computer Society, 2008.
p. 633-638. ISBN: 978-83-60810-14-9. ISSN: 1896-7094. Detail - HILBURN, T.; THIRIET, J.; KORNECKI, A.; GREGA, W.; ŠVÉDA, M. Credits and Accreditation in the U.S.A. and Europe: Towards a Framework for Trans-national Engineering Degrees. Inovations, 2008, vol. 2008, no. 1,
p. 29-42. ISSN: 1553-9911. Detail - JAROŠ, J. Evolutionary Design of Fault Tolerant Collective Communications. In Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2008.
p. 261-272. ISBN: 978-3-540-85856-0. Detail - JAROŠ, J.; DVOŘÁK, V. An Evolutionary Design Technique for Collective Communications on Optimal Diameter-Degree Networks. In 2008 Genetic and Evolutionary Computational Conference GECCO. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 2008.
p. 1539-1546. ISBN: 978-1-60558-131-6. Detail - KORNECKI, A.; GREGA, W.; THIRIET, J.; ŠVÉDA, M.; GONZALES, A.; THARP, H. Dependable Systems International Research and Educational Experience. Daytona Beach: European Comission EU, 2008.
p. 0-0. Detail - KORNECKI, A.; HILBURN, T.; GREGA, W.; THIRIET, J.; ŠVÉDA, M. A COMMON US-EUROPE CURRICULUM: An Approach for Real-Time Software Intensive Systems. Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Anual Conference & Exposition. Pittsburgh, PA: American Society for Engineering Education, 2008.
p. 1359-1371. ISBN: 0-87823-196-X. Detail - MATOUŠEK, P.; RYŠAVÝ, O.; RÁB, J.; ŠVÉDA, M. A Formal Model for Network-wide Security Analysis. Proceeding of the 15 IEEE International Symposium and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer-based Systems. Belfast: University of Ulster, 2008.
p. 171-181. ISBN: 0-7695-3141-5. Detail - MATOUŠEK, P.; RYŠAVÝ, O.; ŠVÉDA, M.; RÁB, J.; ČEJKA, R. A Formal Approach to Network Security Analysis. Brno: Faculty of Information Technology BUT, 2008.
p. 0-0. Detail - MIKUŠEK, P.; DVOŘÁK, V. On Lookup Table Cascade-Based Realizations of Arbiters. 11th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design DSD 2008. Parma: IEEE Computer Society, 2008.
p. 795-802. ISBN: 978-0-7695-3277-6. Detail - MIKUŠEK, P.; DVOŘÁK, V. On Lookup Table Cascade-Based Realizations of Arbiters. 4th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science. Znojmo: Masaryk University, 2008.
p. 261-261. ISBN: 978-80-7355-082-0. Detail - OČENÁŠEK, P. A Proxy-Based System for Translation of Internet Content into Specific Form. Computer-Human Interaction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2008.
p. 413-419. ISBN: 978-3-540-70584-0. Detail - OČENÁŠEK, P. Modification of Web Content According to the User Requirements. Technologies for E-Learning and Digital Entertainment. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2008.
p. 324-327. ISBN: 978-3-540-69734-3. Detail - OČENÁŠEK, P.; BRENER, R. Financial Portal: systém pro sledování a analýzu finančního trhu. Management, Economics and Business Development in the New European Conditions. Brno: Akademické nakladatelství CERM sro., 2008.
s. 1-9. ISBN: 978-80-7204-582-2. Detail - OČENÁŠEK, P.; KUČEROVÁ, P. Srovnání platebních systémů v ČR a zahraničí. Management, Economics and Business Development in the New European Conditions. Brno: Akademické nakladatelství CERM sro., 2008.
s. 1-10. ISBN: 978-80-7204-582-2. Detail - OČENÁŠEK, P.; TRCHALÍK, R. Using AVISPA in the Education of Network Security. EDS '08 IMAPS CS International Conference Proceedings. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2008.
p. 1-8. ISBN: 978-80-214-3717-3. Detail - PILAT, A.; KORNECKI, A.; THIRIET, J.; GREGA, W.; ŠVÉDA, M. Industry Feedback on Skills and Knowledge in Real-Time Software Engineering. Proceedings of the 19th EAEEIE Annual Conference. Tallin: IEEE Computer Society, 2008.
p. 129-133. ISBN: 978-1-4244-2009-4. Detail - RYŠAVÝ, O.; RÁB, J. A Component-based Approach to Verification of Embedded Control Systems using TLA. IEEE Proceedings of International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology. Wisla: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2008.
p. 719-725. ISBN: 978-83-60810-14-9. Detail - ŠVÉDA, M.; RYŠAVÝ, O.; VRBA, R. Pattern-driven Reuse of Behavioral Specifications in Embedded Control System Design. In Frontiers in Robotics, Automation and Control. Vienna: IN-TECH Education and Publishing, 2008.
p. 151-164. ISBN: 978-953-7619-17-6. Detail - ŠVÉDA, M.; VRBA, R. Meta-Design Support for Safe and Secure Networked Embedded Systems. IEEE Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Systems, ICONS 2008. New York: IEEE Computer Society, 2008.
p. 69-74. ISBN: 978-0-7695-3105-2. Detail - THIRIET, J.; HILBURN, T.; KORNECKI, A.; GREGA, W.; ŠVÉDA, M. Implementation for a US-European Trans-national Degree in Real-Time Software Engineering. Proceedings of the 19th EAEEIE Annual Conference. Tallin: IEEE Computer Society, 2008.
p. 134-137. ISBN: 978-1-4244-2009-4. Detail - TRCHALÍK, R.; OČENÁŠEK, P.; ŠVÉDA, M. Using MSC and SDL Languages for Description of Network Communication. EDS '08 IMAPS CS International Conference Proceedings. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2008.
p. 1-5. ISBN: 978-80-214-3717-3. Detail