Project Details

Optická síť národního výzkumu a její nové aplikace

Project Period: 1. 1. 2004 – 31. 12. 2010

Project Type: grant

Code: MSM6383917201

Agency: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR

Program: Výzkumná centra (2000-2004)

English title
Optická síť národního výzkumu a její nové aplikace

IPv6 router, Liberouter, network traffic monitoring, NetFlow, Programmable
hardware, FPGA, VHDL language, e-learning, medical applications, virtual


Members of the Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology,
take part in the Cesnet Research Plan, namely in 4 research activities -
programmable hardware, distance education support, medical applications and
virtual collaborative environment. We play a key role especially in the first
domain which is described below.

Programmable hardware

The general aim of this activity is the development of specialised network
devices based on the principle of hardware-software codesign. On the hardware
side, we plan both to reuse the existing COMBO family of cards and also to create
new designs utilising primarily high-performance programmable hardware components
(FPGA, CPLD, TCAM etc.). Thanks to their flexibility, very different functions
can be realised on the same hardware just by changing the appropriate microcode.
A significant part of software development efforts will thus be spent on
programming the microcode in the VHDL language, but we will also address the
system and application software necessary for each particular device.

Besides design and development of the devices we  use modern approches of
modelling and verification to prove functionality of the systems. We use model
checkers IF, TReX, Uppaal and others to simulate and verify certain properties of
the system.

Our short-term goals are mostly related to our (ongoing or future) participation
in EU projects. In 2004 we will continue the development of an IPv6 router
(Liberouter) for the 6NET project, a traffic monitoring device for the SCAMPI
project and start the development of a stand-alone NetFlow collector in the frame
of the GN2 project. Also, we will finish a prototype of an optical repeater.

In a longer term, our goal is to build a sophisticated team consisting of
researchers and students from several universities, CESNET and possibly other
institutions. This team will cooperate closely with other CESNET research
activities on the development of new devices, for example in the areas of optical
technology, multimedia, security, large-scale computation etc.

Team members










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