Project Details

Rozpoznávání klíčových slov a akcí v audiovizuálních datech

Project Period: 26. 10. 2004 – 26. 10. 2006

Project Type: grant

Code: 119/2004

English title
Recognition of Keywords and Actions in Meeting data

speech recognition, feature extraction, meeting data, audio-video processing, keyword spotting


The goal of the project is automatic processing of recorded meeting
data, which would allow to user the direct browsing of required events
in acoustic/visual databases according to selected criteria. Further,
proposed algorithms will be also modified to be used in large
vocabulary continuous speech recognition tasks. Derivation of robust,
efficient and by any user utilized system depends on training and
testing of particular algorithms. These algorithms are generally very
computationally expensive, mainly in case of processing real meeting
data and large vocabulary databases. A cluster proposed in this project
is able to significantly increase a computational capacity at our
faculty, thus, new modern algorithms and trends in area of automatic
speech recognition can be applied. We also suppose the utilization of
new cluster in other spheres of research activity at Faculty of
Information Technology.

Team members
Motlíček Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM) – research leader
Karafiát Martin, Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM)
Kašpárek Tomáš, Ing., Ph.D. (CVT)
Sumec Stanislav, Ing., Ph.D.
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