Project Details

Architektury sítí pro vestavěné systémy

Project Period: 1. 1. 2005 – 31. 12. 2007

Project Type: grant

Code: GA102/05/0467

Agency: Czech Science Foundation

Program: Standardní projekty

English title
Architectures of Embedded Systems Networks

embedded systems, wireless communication, internet technologies


The proposed research project will cover networked embedded systems design
concepts aiming at industrial applications. Explicitly, it should include tools
targeting front-end parts of specification and design, namely application
specifications and rapid prototyping. Main attention will be dedicated to
networking embedded systems architectures. We will solve Internet access to
individual components of industrial distributed embedded systems using both wired
and wireless technologies. Dedicated architectures for industrial applications
will be developed launching from international standards. We are going to
consider wireless   technologies WiFi,  Bluetooth and ZigBee. Those architectures
should match safety and security requirements of industrial embedded system
applications. The second problem, which we will solve, is code migration in
embedded systems network. The embedded systems network utilizes more processors
interconnected mutually by the network for the aim to achieve the common
goal. The architectures using various types of processors have to ensure their
safety and reliability.  We will utilize the UML language for design, realization
and optimization of communications between embedded systems interconnected in
embedded systems network for rapid prototyping.  The second tool is automatic
code generation for functions verification of model parts, which will be used in
distributed and embedded systems.

Team members
Srovnal Vilém, prof. Ing., CSc. – research leader
Dvořák Václav, prof. Ing., DrSc.
Švéda Miroslav, prof. Ing., CSc. (UTKO)
Vrba Radimír, prof. Ing., CSc. (CEITEC VUT)
Zezulka František, prof. Ing., CSc.




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